zero programming language specification ======================================= ABSTRACT -------- This document specifies the semantics and behavior of the Zero Programming Language for compiler programmers be informed how the language is designed. This specification is on DRAFT and will evolve through discussions on olang-dev mailing list. Language Syntax --------------- This is the Zero Programming Language EBNF grammar specification NOTE: This grammar spec is a DRAFT and it covers only a small portion of the language. ``` ::= ::= + * * * * ::= + | + * ; ::= '(' * ')' ::= * * * ::= ::= * * * ::= ';' ::= '{' ::= '}' ::= 'u32 ' ::= ':' ::= #'[a-zA-Z_]' ::= #'[0-9]' ::= 'fn' ::= 'return' ::= #'[ \t\r\n]' ```